Monday, May 17, 2010

Pray for money!!!

I was doing a blog post the other day on my mommy blog about "Monkey" a baby that is in need of some prayers. You can read the story HERE.

What struck me as funny was when I went to publish it, I noticed that instead of  putting "Pray for MONKEY" for a title,  I had accidentely typed  "Pray for MONEY" .

I kind of laughed because it brought to mind how some of us are in the beginning of out Internet careers......

We start a venture, then fall to our knees and pray...............

Pray that customers will miraculously find us amongst the 17 zillion websites and blogs out there...

Pray for prospects to be lining the streets, all wanting to join your opportunity- NOW!

Pray your family and friends will give you a pat on the back and congratulate you on your "new venture"............

I have some news for you.........................

God may answer prayer, but when it comes to business, he isn't going to hand you the bills on  a silver platter...

To have a successful Internet business, one needs to take ACTION..... getting the word out there day in and day out, studying Internet marketing techniques, reading books..........

I have nothing against praying, but let's get out there and help ourselves!

Ask your "higher being" for guidance, then take action!

1 comment:

  1. Man, is that true or what! I don't pray, so that means I need to do some kind of action initiatives to try to bring more money into the household. That's what it's all about when we work for ourselves, right? :-)


I appreciate any comments you may have. Thanks and have a great day!