Are you involved in a homebased business or acting as an Independent Agent for a company? If you work on a commission bases, you probably know it takes time to build up a customer or member base. But how much time is TOO much time? When is it time to "Get out of Dodge"?
Much of it boils down to how long you can afford to work full time making only a part time paycheck. You've probably heard the adage, "Give it 2-4'll be making multiple 6-figure incomes!"
Ok, maybe not that much, but longevity is definately the key here. If you have been working your opportunity for less than 2 years and you're not making the money you feel you should be, you may want to think twice before quitting and moving to a different opportunity.
Success in ANY venture boils down to a few things:
Do you love what you do and believe in the product or service?
You can't really sell something if you don't use it , love it and believe in the company!
Are you plugged into a
good marketing system? A system provides a path to follow, that will ultimately lead to success.
Despite what you may have been told by your upline , success doesn't happen just because you signed on the dotted line and ordered a kit. It takes marketing- LOTS of it!
If your upline doesn't have a
PROVEN, Duplicatable system that can be done by the masses, you're doomed.
It's time to find one yourself or get out of Dodge!
If you've been treading water for 2-4 years and still not as successful as you would like to be...
Congratulations, you've stuck it out like you were told!
The question is, were you continuing to learn, working on self-development? Maybe your upline is still marketing like they did before the Social Networking boom. Times have changed, you need to change with it.
I found a great quote recently:
If You Don't Change Directions Soon, You'll Get Where You're Going
Sometimes it's one simple thing....
I love to write, so blogging and article writing were something I naturally gravitated to on the Internet.
Instead of running 100's of ads a day to promote my biz, I discreetly advertise my biz on my home biz pages on my blogs, and at times write about it.
Believe it or not, that one simple thing, that I love, has brought me MORE business than all the ads...
AND led to another business...........having to do with blogging.
And affiliate marketing.....
Ok, so you've all seen the highlighted links here for
Attraction Marketing.
I try not to blatantly say to anyone, "Join this
But this helped me so much!
If you are struggling in business, you may want to check into it. There are several free newsletters- I make nothing off of you opting into them.
Just so you know....
You can join as a professional, which comes with a monthly fee (yes, I get a few cents for that :-) , but let me tell you...
...they have articles, videos, teleconferences, etc....I mean
TONS of them in the professional section.
Everything you ever wanted to know about using SEO, Facebook, article writing, creating websites, blogging, squidoo, coaching, youtube, autoresponders and more...
And they are done by many different people, not just one person.
They even have a 1/2 hour free business coaching session with every one of the coaches. Then if you wish, you can choose the one you like and schedule a follow up with them.
If you are into affiliate marketing, you can refer this service to others, and they have tons of affiliate marketing links that you can put on your blog or website.
This in itself, if you took atvantage of everything and promoted it, could be a biz in itself!
I have been using this system since maybe January and I've barely scratched the surface of the information there!
But this information has really helped me find my niche (writing) - I just can't express how much I have learned in such a short while....
So before you saddle up and "get out of Dodge" maybe you should try one more time......
Hope you all have a happy, safe and prosperous weekend!
P.S. Mitch & Anita...I am FINALLY going the self-hosting route.....just been having too much going on with life and computer problems to deal with more issues...
My website is almost done, then on to the blogs :-)